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Our Approach

At Authentic Armour, we offer a unique approach to mindset coaching. Our philosophy is grounded in the unwavering belief that anything is possible, regardless of your current circumstances or past experiences. We recognize the transformative power of mindset and encourage our clients to embrace the unknown, take bold leaps forward, and trust in their innate ability to manifest their deepest desires. Our coaching program takes a holistic approach to personal growth, addressing the mind, body, and spirit in tandem. We empower you to cultivate resilience and authenticity from the inside out, honouring your values, passions, and unique strengths. Our experienced coach provides personalized support tailored to your specific needs and goals, guiding you with compassion and unwavering support every step of the way. Authentic Armour integrates a diverse range of techniques and modalities, including mindfulness practices, positive psychology principles, and somatic awareness exercises. By drawing from various disciplines, we help you cultivate self-awareness, emotional well-being, and inner strength in a holistic and sustainable manner. Overall, Authentic Armour offers a transformative coaching experience that honours your individual journey and empowers you to live a life of purpose and meaning. If you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, we invite you to join us and unlock the power of your authentic armour. Ready to unlock the power of your authentic armour and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment?


I'm Jami Sparling.


From diverse experiences that span from emergency care to interior design, including behind-the-scenes work with celebrities, I've delved into human psychology and behaviour, intrigued by life’s complexities. As a teenage mother who rewrote her own story, I've harnessed the power of mindset to navigate adversity. Through Authentic Armour, I offer a haven rooted in authenticity, resilience, and empowerment. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and transformation.

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1 / Fill out the Application Form

Share your story and aspirations with me. This is your opportunity to express where you are and where you want to go.

2 / Receive a Personalized Response

Expect an email from me within 1-3 business days. I’ll take the time to understand your unique situation and needs & evaluate if I am the best fit for you.

3 / Package Options

Use the scheduling and payment link provided in our response to book your session at a convenient time for you.

4 / Meet on Zoom

Join me for a deeply honest conversation. Together, we’ll explore your challenges, aspirations, and potential.

5 / Actionable Steps for Transformation

After our session, you’ll leave with three actionable steps—your personalized "homework"—to move you forward on your journey.

6 / Ongoing Support

Book sessions as needed to maintain momentum and receive the support you need. Feel seen, heard, understood, and supported every step of the way.



Discovery Call

Complimentary Chat about Coaching

20 minutes on Zoom



Single Session

For Life & Business

 2 hours on Zoom



Coaching Bundle

For life & Business

3 Sessions, 90 minutes each on Zoom



Consulting Session

For Interior Decorators & Designers Navigating a Stressful Situation

 2 hours on Zoom



Gain Clarity

Identify your values, strengths, and aspirations to gain clarity on your goals and priorities.

Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Challenge and overcome limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from realizing your full potential.

Build Resilience

Develop resilience and confidence to navigate challenges and setbacks with grace and determination.

Cultivate Authenticity

Embrace authenticity and align your actions with your true self to live a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Achieve Results

Take intentional action steps towards your goals and create lasting positive changes in your life and mindset.

Our Principles

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Authentic Armour coaching may not be suitable for individuals who are not ready or willing to actively engage in the coaching process. If you're not open to self-reflection, personal growth, and taking actionable steps towards positive change, this coaching approach may not align with your needs or preferences. Additionally, Authentic Armour coaching is not intended to replace professional therapy or medical treatment for individuals dealing with severe mental health issues or trauma. If you're experiencing acute psychological distress or require specialized therapeutic support, we recommend seeking assistance from a licensed mental health professional. It's important to prioritize your well-being and choose the support services that best meet your unique circumstances and needs.

“Jami is great. She is a great listener and very knowledgeable about mental health and well being. She is also very passionate and you can feel that she really cares. She is great in session, as well as recommending resources I can look into on my own time to further my learning and healing process. Jami is so down to earth and I’m so happy to have been connected with her, highly recommend!”
- Sam J.
Evergreen tree inside shield (logo) Authentic Armour - Philosophy & Lifestyle
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